Royal Vegas Poker Freeroll to the WSOP

Well I was in it....and I was doing amazing. The tournament had 5000 people in it. It was down to 70 players I was in 5th place with about 125,000 in chips.
I have ace jack off suit, the blinds are 4000/8000 I raise it to 24,000 and get one caller, the big blind. Flop comes out 6, 8, 4 two dimonds. The big blind checks to me, I put out a 12,000 bet and he calls. The next card comes a 2. He bets out this time for 24,000 I decide that he hasn't hit this flop at all and has two over cards just like me, so now its a game of chicken. I raise to 60,000 if he called he would only have 8000 left. He sits there forever and then just calls me....the river comes the 10 of dimonds. As of right now I am in shock that he has called me, he bets his last 8000 of course and I have to call. He flips over Ace Queen off suit....his queen kicker takes down the monster pot. I don't even know what to say about that....
Pocket 10's next hand, I raise get two callers, I move all in for 26,000 which is still alot same guy calls me with an open ended straight draw and hits it on the turn.
I am out in 66th place.
From 5th to 66th in a matter of minutes.
Shouldn't have tried to bluff the Ace Jack hand...but knew he had over's just like me and thought he would fold if I put all of his chips out there....
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