
Well its a new month but the bad run continues. I have been playing at Royal Vegas and have just been getting I don't play high NL games so don't worry destroyed doesn't really mean that much money, but its still money.
It's almost hysterical because I have this knack for running into pocket aces. Just now , the hand that prompted me to write this, I have jack 10 and had just called the small blind. The big blind raised it to double the big blind. I figure might as well see a flop. flop comes jack, 3, 5. So I bet out, the guy raises and I re-raise to twice what he had originally raised. So what do we have hear, me being stupid and thinking my jacks are actually good, or him thinking I have shit and that orginal raise was me just trying to take the pot. Hell the small blind with a small raise could be in with anything even a 3, 5. Well it was a macho match at this point and he RE RE Raised me, buy this time I am sick of this bull shit and go all in. Of course he flips over pocket aces....I mean in the past two days I have run into aces 5 times and kings I not have the ability to see these massive pairs or are they actually hidden under these small raises. So to end the story...the turn comes a 10 yes I make two pair, wow I am really lucky...the turn is a 5, giving him aces and 5's and me jack's and 10's ahh fun times.
So will the slump end? Hopefully in some live games...which are really the only ones I care about.
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