Vegas, L.A and the Price is Right

Yep so it's time to take a trip down to the desert. I will be travelling to Vegas next week and then onto L.A after that. Hopefully this trip will cost me nothing because I will win money playing in the many poker games that will be all over the strip. But probably I will come home broke and you won't get another post on the website because I have had to give up my computer as well.
It should be a lot of fun and I can't wait to play some poker down there since the last time I was there I wasn't into Hold'Em and just spent all my money on Blackjack.
So I have wanted to go down to L.A for a long time...the reason....The Price is Right. Yes I have wanted to be on this show my entire life, so now is my only opportunity because as we all know Bob Barker is 100 years old and could die at any moment.

Bob Barker is the Hugh Hefner of game shows. I mean just look at his gig..he is surrounded by his Barker Beauties which are usally playmates, and I am sure Hef sends them over, and of course Barker has to "try them out" to make sure they can handle the tough jobs he has in store for them.
I want to be Bob Barker.
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