Well no free trip...

Well I tried...5th place...
At one point I was 2nd in chip stack, but it sort of went down hill at the final table. I had 10,000 going into the final table of 10 which put me in 6th postion for chips. It was a pretty agressive table and I just didn't find the cards at the right time. The turning point in the tournament was a hand where I was dealt Ace Queen off, I raised and got two callers. I was on the button and last to act, flop came king, 10, 9 with two clubs, giving me a gut shot straight. The first guy to act bet and the next guy re raised. Do I risk my whole tournament on a gut? I had 7 grand left...I decided to wait for a better opportunity. Of course the turn came a Jack, but I was right the guy had flopped two pair king 9, so at the time I was right to fold.
My last hand was King Queen diamonds, I had 5000 left and on the button (blinds are 800 and 1600), I moved all in and the big blind called with Ace 5 (no respect!) And of course he hit trip aces and I was out in 5th.
Ahh well it was a fun tournament.