Well it didn't happen, but that would have made this post a lot funnier don't you think?
But yes I have busted out of Degree 2006 but I still had a great time. I would just like to thank everyone up at Niagara Fallsview, I had a great time and got to see everyone from last year. The girl who picked my name that allowed me to get into the tournament, the players that I had such a great experience with last year, the suits (as I call them) who said "great to see you back again" and even the dealer who didn't shake my hand (I know you all remember him!). Once again everyone put together a great tournament and it's too bad I couldn't spend the week there and see all of the players go through the experience that I went through last year.
So I guess I should talk about the hand that busted me. Well the blinds went up every 20 minutes, wayyy to fast, but it is a freeroll and they want to keep things moving so I can understand that, 2000 in chips to start off with.
So I won the first hand! Which was sweet because it was one of the only hands I would end up winning haha. It was a slow painful death as I told Bruce the announcer, but it was still a lot of fun. The last hand came when I was in the small blind, 200-400, we have one caller in seat 7 and everyone else folds, I look down at A 8 off and to be honest that was an amazing hand with the garbage I had been seeing (top hands that I got: A Q suited, 9 8, king 10, jack 10 and thats about it, no pockets). So I move all in which is 800. So the big sits for a while then finally is like might as well call for the 400 (he was chip leader at the table) and the guy who limped also called. They checked all the way down and the flop was 2 2 3 9 9, so with that I am thinking wow I might just have won with ace high or I am still in with a split. Big blind flips over 6 - 4 and the guy who limped....turns over pocket kings.....
I said goodbye to everyone and they announced my departure and that was the end of Degree 2006. It was fun and I pretty much knew it would be bust out in an hour and a half or make it through, it was just a gut feeling. I also predicted that I would run into a big pocket pair... just didn't think it would catch me off guard like that haha.